Thursday, June 17, 2010

It's Nice to be Noticed!

The highlights of making some internal apprehensions lately, were quickly dashed as I was notified this morning that I would have to drive an hour away, to help a different store verify their inventory. In a nutshell, an inventory counts everything, we follow behind them and check their counts, then wheen the reports come out saying they missed merchandise, we go and find the missed merchandise and account for it. Yeah, noting but a good time for about eight hours!! The only good part is the free donuts coffee and lunch.

My family can attest, I can be an all star pouter when I want to be, and since I have participated in my inventory, and three other inventories, I felt it was time I could miss one and let someone who hasn't been to one to step up. But no, I chose not to be sarcastic, a real reach for me, and not mention anything about other LP's who are not coming, and one actually choosing to go to the beach instead! Biting my tongue, I walked through the main entrance to the empty store way too early this morning. I counted, then counted some more, then counted a little bit more.

Just before breaking for lunch, a surprise visit from my Acting LP District Manager, as well as the Operations District Manager. My LPDM lives two hours away from here, in a neighboring state, and is only taking care of administrative things for us until we get our own LPDM. They congratulated me on a good job with the recent apprehensions at my store, and we joked back and forth about how I was embarrassing the other LPs, making them all look bad. We laughed and joked, and the only thing we were missing were the beers and nuts sitting on the bar. As the fun settled, the LPDM called me aside. I followed him all the way outside the store. I figured it must really be important... but had no idea what it could be.

"I already talked to your store manager yesterday about this, we are realigning the LP structure and creating another level above your current level. I would like to offer you the promotion to this new level, it would mean a raise and more hours...but meaning overtime each week too...."

Really not sure what he said after that, but I am sure his lips were still moving. When my shock wore off, I heard more good things..

"You aboslutely deserve it, you'r doing a one helluva job and if I had a Managers position in my local district I would certainly want you over there..."

Pretty cool to hear from your boss who has been doing this job for over fifteen years. Me... about 16 months.

I will now be able to clean up my resume builder from my desk, shut down and concentrate on the next year in this position.


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